Hi all. A fairly quiet weekend down at Meadow last weekend. Saturday saw the U16 Saturday team win 6-3 at home in their last game of the season, a great way to finish! 👏👏 The U16 Saturday Youth team didn’t fair so well away from home, but they have one game left so hope to end on a better note!
On Sunday I managed to watch some of the U12s Girls Youth game before my own team’s match, great performance from them. Also well done to the U18s, I only managed to see the first half, but a great result, looking forward to next Sunday’s game which is the last of the season for them and could see them win the league.
My U12s Sports won promotion to the Premier Elite next season, well done to them on a great team performance this season.
Thank you to the U12s Girls Youth for setting up and thanks to the U16 Youth for putting away.
Have a great week. Karl
